watem_flanders Tool Library

Tool Library

Name Watem - specific modules for Flanders
Author Johan Van de Wauw 2016 - 2017 - gebaseerd op originele pascal code van KULeuven.Ontwikkeld in opdracht van Vlaamse overheid, departement Omgeving.
ID watem_flanders
File /__w/saga-watem/saga-watem/build/libs/saga/libwatem_flanders.so


SAGA implementation of WaTEM model (KULeuven), with modules for processing inputfiles.

WaTEM/SEDEM is a spatially distributed soil erosion and sediment delivery model that is developed at the Physicaland Regional Geography Research Group (K.U.Leuven, Belgium) as a user-friendly and optimised version of the WaTEM and SEDEM models, which were also developed at K.U.Leuven. These models were specifically developed to simulate the impact of soil conservation and sediment control measures as well as land use changes in the framework of an integrated catchment management, on the local soil loss and sediment delivery to rivers. This model combines the WaTEM and SEDEM models and aims at providing useful information for land managers to select the most effective catchment management scenario.).


[1] Prepare parcel Map


NamePrepare parcel Map
AuthorJohan Van de Wauw (2017)


Flanders specific: Creates a parcel grid for creating the erosion map based on parcel map, 'Grootschalig Referentie Bestand' (GRB), the 'Vlaams Hydrologische Atlas' (VHA) and Landcover map. Returns parcels with codes:

- infrastructure and roads: -2
- water (open water / river): -1
- parcels: [1,9999]
- forest: 10000

Only the geometry of the input shapes is used for mapping. Note that the input instruction refers to data specific attributes (i.e. GRB, VHA, in dutch). We refer to the GRB and VHA metadata at 'datavindplaats' of www.vlaanderen.be for more information. GRB overwrites parcel, river overwrites GRB.


ParcelsShapes, inputPARCEL_SHAPESPolygon shape of parcels.
LandcoverGrid, inputLANDCOVERLandcover with values 10000 (forest), 1 (parcels), -1 (water) and -2 (infrastructure & roads).
GRB WTZ (VHA-polygon)Shapes, inputWTZVHA (polygons).
VHA linesShapes, inputWLASVHA (lines).
GRB Sbn (spoorbaan)Shapes, inputSBNGRB Sbn (spoorbaan).
GRB Wbn (wegbaan)Shapes, inputWBNGRB Wbn (wegbaan).
GRB Wga (wegaanhorigheid)Shapes, inputWGAGRB Wga (wegaanhorigheid).
GRB Gbg (gebouw aan de grond)Shapes, inputGBGGRB Gbg (gebouw aan de grond).
GRB Gba (gebouwaanhorigheid)Shapes, inputGBAGRB Gba (gebouwaanhorigheid).
(NOT IMPLEMENTED) GRB Trn (terrein)Shapes, inputTRNGRB Trn (Terrein) - only certain classes are used
GRB Knw (Kunstwerk)Shapes, inputKNWGRB Knw (Kunstwerk)
Parcel gridGrid, outputPRCOutput grid with:
- a unique identifier per parcel: [1,9999]
- Forest = 10000
- Infrastructure & roads = -2
- Water (rivers and open water) = -1

[2] 3x3 filter within parcel boundaries


Name3x3 filter within parcel boundaries
AuthorCopyright (c) 2017. Johan Van de Wauw


The tool performs a 3x3-mean filter on a digital elevation model using only cells within a singular parcel.


Digital elevation model (DEM)Grid, inputDEMDigital elevation model (m)
Parcel gridGrid, inputPRCParcel grid with:
- a unique identifier per parcel: [1,9999]
- Forest = 10000
- Infrastructure & roads = -2
- Water (rivers and open water) = -1
Filtered DEMGrid, outputDEM_FILTERDEM filtered with a 3x3-mean filter that is active only within parcel boundaries.

[3] C calculation based on parcel grid


NameC calculation based on parcel grid
AuthorCopyright (c) 2017, Johan Van de Wauw


Calculation of the C-factor (crop and management factor) map based on parcel grid. Uses fixed constants:
- 0.37 for cropland (code in [1,9999]
- 0 for rivers infrastructure/roads (code = -1 and -2)
- 0.001 for forests (code = 10000)


Parcel gridGrid, inputPRCParcel grid with:
- a unique identifier per parcel: [1,9999]
- Forest = 10000
- Infrastructure & roads = -2
- Water (rivers and open water) = -1
C GridGrid, outputCC-factor Grid

[4] C calculation shape attribute


NameC calculation shape attribute
AuthorCopyright (c) 2022, Johan Van de Wauw


Calculation of the C (crop and management factor) map based on landcover raster. Optionally GRB and VHA can be added, geometries of this shapes are mapped to a C-factor value of 0. The C-factor for parcels are set to 0.37. The C-factor for Landuse forest is converted 0.01. Only the geometry of the input shapes is used for mapping. Note that the input instruction refers to data specific attributes (i.e. GRB, VHA, in dutch). We refer to the GRB and VHA metadata at 'datavindplaats' of www.vlaanderen.be for more information. For a mapping table, we refer to 'Prepare parcel Map' and 'C calculation based on parcel grid'. GRB overwrites landuse.


ParcelsShapes, inputPARCEL_SHAPESPolygon shape of parcels. Should contain 'C Field'.
landcover gridGrid, inputLANDCOVERlandcover grid with
- Forest = 10000
- Agriculture = 1
- Infrastructure & roads = -2
- Water = -1
GRB WTZ (VHA-polygon)Shapes, input, optionalWTZVHA (polygons).
VHA linesShapes, input, optionalWLASVHA (lines).
GRB Sbn (spoorbaan)Shapes, input, optionalSBNGRB Sbn (spoorbaan)
GRB Wbn (wegbaan)Shapes, input, optionalWBNGRB Wbn (wegbaan)
GRB Wga (wegaanhorigheid)Shapes, input, optionalWGAGRB Wga (wegaanhorigheid)
GRB Gbg (gebouw aan de grond)Shapes, input, optionalGBGGRB Gbg (gebouw aan de grond)
GRB Gba (gebouwaanhorigheid)Shapes, input, optionalGBAGRB Gba (gebouwaanhorigheid)
(NOT IMPLEMENTED) GRB Trn (terrein)Shapes, input, optionalTRNGRB Trn (Terrein) - only certain classes are used
GRB Knw (Kunstwerk)Shapes, input, optionalKNWGRB Knw (Kunstwerk)
C GridGrid, outputCC-factor Grid
C FieldTable fieldPARCEL_SHAPE_C_FIELDField name containing C-factor value
Use GRB and VHA as extra landuse (True/False)BooleanGRB_VHADefault: 0

[5] Complete Calculation Erosion map (combines all steps). See submodules for more information.


NameComplete Calculation Erosion map (combines all steps). See submodules for more information.
AuthorBased on Watem (KULeuven). Converted to SAGA by Johan Van de Wauw (2016-2017)


Complete computation erosion raster in one step. This model executes following steps:
- Calculate upslope area (watem-1)
- LS calculation (watem-2)
- C calculation based on parcel grid (watem-flanders-3)
- Watererosion based on LS (RUSLE) (optional tillage erosion) (watem-3 and watem-4).
A NULL value in K, C or LS return a NULL value.


DEMGrid, inputDEMDigital elevation model.
Parcel gridGrid, inputPRCParcel grid with:
- a unique identifier per parcel: [1,9999]
- Forest = 10000
- Infrastructure & roads = -2
- Water (rivers and open water) = -1
K-factor gridGrid, inputKsoil erodibility factor (K-factor, kg ha MJ-1 mm-1)
PitGrid, outputPITPit id. These id's are linked to the id's in pit data (see watem-1 Calculate uparea)
Upslope areaGrid, outputUPSLOPE_AREAUpslope Area: area that flow to a certain pixel (see watem-1 Calculate uparea)
LSGrid, outputLSLS as defined by return tool (see watem-2, LS calculation)
Tillage ErosionGrid, output, optionalTILLAverage soil loss due to tillage erosion (kg ha-1 year-1)
Water erosionGrid, outputWATER_EROSIONAverage soil loss due to rill and interrill erosion (kg ha-1 jaar-1)
R-factor valueFloating pointRrainfall erosivity factor (MJ mm ha-1 year-1)Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 880.000000
P-factor valueFloating pointPerosion control factor (-) Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 1.000000
Resolution correction factorFloating pointCORRCorrection factor for resolution as RUSLE was determined on resolution of 22.1 meter. This value is set to 1.4 for grids of 5x5 (see Notebaert et al. 2006)Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 1.400000
Parcel Connectivity to cropland (%)Floating pointPCTOCROPPercentage of water that will be reduced to go from a cropland to another cropland.Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 70.000000
Parcel Connectivity to forest (%)Floating pointPCTOFORESTPercentage of water that will be reduced to go from a cropland to forest.Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 100.000000
Save memoryBooleanSAVE_MEMORYOption to reduce memory for computation. Warning: can increase computationt time.Default: 0
Flow from pits into closeby cells (within radius) (True/False)BooleanPIT_FLOWDefault: 1
Search radius from pit.IntegerPIT_RADIUSMaximum radius from a pit to which upstream water can flowDefault: 4
Use parcel boundary for computations BooleanLS_USE_PRCCompute slope/LS within boundaries of parcels.Default: 1
Method to compute LSChoiceMETHODAvailable Choices:
[0] Moore & Nieber 1989
[1] Desmet & Govers 1996 (standard WaTEM)
[2] Wischmeier & Smith 1978
[3] Van Oost, 2003
Default: 1
Flag maximum gross erosionBooleanEROSION_CROP_MAXUse maximum allowed erosion per pixel (True/false)Default: 1
Maximum allower gross erosion.Floating pointEROSION_MAXMaximum allowed erosion per pixel, higher values are set to this value.Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 150.000000