watem Tool Library

Tool Library

Name Watem
Author Johan Van de Wauw 2016 - 2017 - gebaseerd op originele pascal code van KULeuven.Ontwikkeld in opdracht van Vlaamse overheid, departement Omgeving.
ID watem
File /__w/saga-watem/saga-watem/build/libs/saga/libwatem.so


SAGA Implementatie van het WaTEM model (KULeuven).

WaTEM is a spatially distributed soil erosion model that was developed at the Physicaland Regional Geography Research Group (K.U.Leuven, Belgium).The development of the SAGA-WaTEM module was financed by Vlaamse overheid (Vlaams Planbureau voor de Omgeving, Departement Omgeving).


[1] Calculate uparea


NameCalculate uparea
AuthorCopyright (c) 2006 - 2016 by KULeuven. Converted to SAGA/C++ by Johan Van de Wauw


This module converts a digital elevation model grid and a parcel grid and converts it to an upslope area. The method takes into account parcel borders, water (grid value -1) and landuse (forest has value 10000). The upstream area is computed from higher to lower pixels, within the boundaries of a parcel. At parcel/forest-, parcel/parcel-, parcel/infr-boundaries, the upstream area is reduced with the connectivity (1-x) parameters. Pits are taken into account, such that flow is transported over maximum number of pixels (PIT_RADIUS) (otherwise ignored). Optionally a grid with Pits and a table with pit information can be generated. No river routing is considered, such that the upland routing 'ends' at the river boundary.


Digital elevation modelGrid, inputDEM
Parcel gridGrid, inputPRCParcel grid with:
- a unique identifier per parcel: [1,9999]
- Forest = 10000
- Infrastructure & roads = -2
- Water (river/open water) -1
PitGrid, outputPITPit id. These id's are linked to the id's in pit data.
Upslope AreaGrid, outputUPSLOPE_AREAUpslope Area: area that flow to a certain pixel
Pit dataTable, output, optionalPITDATATable per found pit. Coordinate according to the grid in watem.
Parcel Connectivity to cropland (%)Floating pointPCTOCROPPercentage of water that will be reduced from a cropland (parcel) to another cropland (parcel).Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 70.000000
Parcel Connectivity to forest (%)Floating pointPCTOFORESTPercentage of water that will be reduced from a cropland (parcel) to forest.Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 100.000000
Parcel Connectivity to infrastructure/roads (%)Floating pointPCTOROADPercentage of water that will be reduced from a cropland (parcel) to infrastructure/roadsMinimum: 0.000000
Default: 70.000000
Flow from pits into closeby cells (within radius) (True/False)BooleanPIT_FLOWIf pits occur (local minima in the digital elevation model) water can flow to nearby cells if they are lower and within the PIT_SEARCH radius if this option is enabled.Default: 0
Search radius from pit.IntegerPIT_RADIUSMaximum search radius for flow from pits.Default: 4

[2] LS calculation


NameLS calculation
AuthorCopyright (c) 2003 Olaf Conrad. Modified by Johan Van de Wauw (2016) to make model identical to WaTEM


This module computes the LS-factor given a digital elevation model, parcel grid and upslope area (see calculate uparea. The slope at boundaries is calculated perpendicular to parcel boundaries. Different methods can be used to compute the LS (see 'Method to compute LS').


Digital elevation modelGrid, inputDEMDigital elevation model (m)
Upslope AreaGrid, inputUPSLOPE_AREAUpslope Area: area that flow to a certain pixel. Can be created using the 'Calculate uparea' tool (watem-1).
Parcel gridGrid, input, optionalPRCParcel grid with:
- a unique identifier per parcel: [1,9999]
- Forest = 10000
- Infrastructure & roads = -2
- Water (river/open water) -1
Calculated LSGrid, outputLSCalculated LS factor
SlopeGrid, output, optionalSLOPEOptional Slope output grid
Calculated LGrid, output, optionalLThis will contain L.
Calculated SGrid, output, optionalSThis will contain S.
Use parcel borders in slope calculation.BooleanUSEPRCIf enabled, only pixels inside the same parcels will be used for slope calculation, to avoid highincorrect slopes due to border effects such as sunken roads and embankments. Default: 1
Method to compute LSChoiceMETHODThere are four options available:
- Moore & Nieber (1989): see model description-page. - Desmet & Govers (1996): see model description-page. Using McCool et al. (1989, 1987) for the parameter m.
- Van Oost (2003): same as Desmet & Govers, but with a different computation model for the parameter m.
- Wishmeier a Smith (1978): see model description-page.
Available Choices:
[0] Moore & Nieber 1989
[1] Desmet & Govers 1996 (default of WaTEM)
[2] Wischmeier & Smith 1978
[3] Van Oost, 2003
Default: 1

[3] Watererosion based on LS (RUSLE)


NameWatererosion based on LS (RUSLE)
Author2016-2017 - Johan Van de Wauw


Determine watererosion based on LS(grid)-, K(grid)-, C(grid)-, R(value)- and P(value)-factor. A correction for accounting differences in resolution can be used (see 'Resolution correction factor'). In addition the RUSLE values can be limited to a maximum value (see 'Flag maximum gross erosion'). A NULL value in K, C or LS return a NULL value


LSGrid, inputLSLS: topographic slope and length factor (dimensionless), can be created using the 'LS calculations' tool (watem-2).
K-factor gridGrid, inputKsoil erodibility factor (K-factor, kg ha MJ-1 mm-1)
C-factor GridGrid, inputCGrid containing the crop and management factor. Should be defined as a grid with values between 0 and 1.
Water erosionGrid, outputWATER_EROSIONAverage soil loss due to rill and interrill erosion (kg ha-1 year-1)
R-factor valueFloating pointRrainfall erosivity factor (MJ mm ha-1 year-1)Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 880.000000
P-factor valueFloating pointPerosion control factor (dimensionless, between 0 and 1) Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 1.000000
Resolution correction factorFloating pointCORRCorrection factor for resolution as RUSLE was determined on resolution of 22.1 meter. This value is set to 1.4 for grids of 5x5 (see Notebaert et al. 2006)Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 1.400000
Flag maximum gross erosionBooleanEROSION_CROP_MAXUse maximum allowed erosion per pixel (True/false)Default: 1
Maximum allowed gross erosion.Floating pointEROSION_MAXMaximum allowed erosion per pixel, higher values are set to the specific defined value (default 150).Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 150.000000

[4] Tillage erosion calculation


NameTillage erosion calculation
AuthorCopyright (c) 2006 - 2016 by KU Leuven. Converted to SAGA/C++ by Johan Van de Wauw


Calculation of Tillage Erosion based on DTM (grid) and parcels (grid). Based on the code from WaTEM (KU Leuven). Tillage erosion, or soil translocation by tillage, is calculated according to the method of Van Oost et al. (2000). See model description for more information on the formula's. Note that the tillage transport coefficient is hardcoded being 600 kg/m.


Digital elevation modelGrid, inputDEMDigital Elevation Model (m).
Parcel gridGrid, inputPRCParcel grid with:
- a unique identifier per parcel: [1,9999]
- Forest = 10000
- Infrastructure & roads = -2
- Water (rivers and open water) = -1
Tillage erosionGrid, outputTILLAverage soil loss due to tillage erosion (kg ha-1 year-1)